Wednesday 16 March 2016

Things to Be Expected...

First of all ,Welcome to this blog where you can find anything about the most famous and longest franchise in gaming history, Metal Gear Solid.

1. Simple but detailed information

When I said anything, it means that I will try to give the detailed information on the saga covering the story lines, the history, the characters, the chosen soundtracks, and even the funny moments that can be experienced in this game.

Honestly, the reason I created this blog is to make people believe and also be able to know the uniqueness plus having an immersive experience when playing or watching this game. A simple but detailed information is the method that I will use in some way to make people understand Metal Gear sagas.

2. All comments will be replied

If you have any questions or suggestions, it is very allowed in here and I am very convenient with that. I'll try my best to reply everything on the comments sections.

3. Kojima's sense of humour

On every post, there will be a mini post on the funny moments or sense of humour  that can be experienced in Metal Gear so that all of you will not be bored with my humble posts.

So, the first mini humour post goes to..

Selfie with Ocelot

The above animations is not the fan-edited version of the game or mods. This is the real scene from the end of one of the trailer where the creator of this game , Mr. Hideo Kojima put a sense of humour so that he could connect with the players and the fans.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

History of Metal Gear

Q    : How many Metal Gear are in the series?                   
Ans : TEN(supposedly 15)
Q    : So, all of them are related in term of story line?         
Ans :  YES!
Q    : Have any other games franchises..?                            
Ans : NO! (only Metal Gear)
Q    :Why so many???                                                           
Ans : Because it has a lot of demands.
Q    :hmm..Why??                                                                  
Ans : Duhh..Best gaming experiences and story line!

It is too much to be written in this blog about the history of Metal Gear Series. However, I will tell you on the early history on how this game was firstly develop.

It begins with a man...

With Visions and Missions to be achieved..
To achieve where smell and taste can be felt in games..
Who else but..

Mr. Hideo Kojima

In the beginning, Kojima tried to develop several games. After a half year efforts on making the games, they were cancelled by the "superior".

Although he have the thought to despair and find other works, he insist and took the offer to make a combat game.
With the limited technology of MSX2, he decide that combat game is not very suitable and develop a
Tactical Espionage Game
where stealth and silent is the best way to proceed the game.
At First , the idea was rejected,but after a few presentations that he made,
The Evil Konami saw the opportunity and gave him the chance to create the game which then was called

METAL GEAR that was launched in 1987. Given the high demand for the sequels, he continued the series with more complex story telling and trying to give the best game experience to his fans.

These are his legacies to us..

Sunday 13 March 2016

The Man Behind The Scenes..

Let us continue in knowing more detailed about the creator of the saga, Mr. Kojima

1963     - Born in August 24th, Setagaya, Tokyo
2005     - Founded Kojima Productions
1980's   - Attempted to join the gaming industry
1986     - His first game was rejected
1987     - Created Metal Gear
   -         -  Metal Gear Series 
2011      - Former President of Konami Digital Entertainment
2015      - Was Barred by Konami in receiving the award in The Game Awards 2015
2016      - Out from konami and created a new logo for Kojima Productions 

New Logo
Old Logo

In 2015, Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes was produced. In it, There is a mission that secretly told us that Kojima will be gone from Konami. The mission needs you to erase all the games that Kojima had created. Not only that, there is a message that vividly saying that Kojima will leave Konami

"You erased all the markings. But everyone of them will always be with you"

For evidence, watch the video below.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Chronological Order 1

Before Metal Gear

I have made a slide presentation to make you understand what did actually happened before Metal Gear and its significance

Friday 11 March 2016

Chronological Order 2 (Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater )


The Boss
  • In attempt to find and recover Sokolov, and destroy the Shagohod, Naked Snake was sent by FOX to Russia,    Naked Snake is aided via radio by the other members of FOX: Major Zero, Sigint and Para-Medic

Naked Snake
  • While being close to recover Sokolov, Naked Snake is stopped by his own mentor, The Boss. It looks like The Boss has defected to Russia, becoming a traitor to the U.S

·         The U.S send Naked Snake back in to Kill The Boss and retrieve the stolen weapon "The shagohod"to revoke the charges in regards to any and all involvement in The Boss's defection.

·         Naked Snake is assisted by Eva (Without knowing, she is a spy for Chinese People's Liberation Army, assigned to obtain the Philosophers Legacy)
·         During this mission Naked Snake has many encounters with Ocelot 
·         Naked Snake discovers Volgin has obtained "the philosophers legacy" a 100 Billion dollar savings account. Naked Snake Destroys the shagohod, Kills The Boss and Volgin and obtains half of the Legacy.

Chronological Order 3 : Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

Part 1

Big Boss was captured and tortured by his old unit FOX  (taken over by Gene AKA Viper and became a renegade group).

Whilst Imprisoned, Big Boss meets Green Beret Roy Campbell.
Big Boss escapes and learns the U.S is blaming Big Boss for turning the FOX unit renegade and charges him with treason, they also arrest Major Zero!

Big Boss and Roy Campbell decide to create "FOXHOUND" (A unit to take down the remaining FOX unit, whilst clearing their names.Other members of unit are Ocelot,Major ZeroEVA and Frank Jaeger (A former FOX agent)

Big Boss defeats Gene, that all of FOX units money,soldiers were taken build their own military nation.

Part 2

It is then revealed that FOX kidnapping Big Boss was set up by Ocelot and Major Zero and that Major Zero had manipulated Gene into going renegade just to lure the CIA's director so they could obtain the Philosophers legacy. Ocelot kills the head of the CIA and obtains the Philosophers legacy and a list, naming all the members of the Philosophers.

Ocelot, Major Zero and Big Boss use the legacy and their new army to reorganize "The Philosophers" and create "The Patriots"

The Philosophers changes to The Patriots

The Patriots gain control of the U.S government and aim to unify the world, that was envisioned by The Boss . Ocelot and Major Zero decide to make Big Boss the face of The Patriots.

FOXHOUND is turned into an official Military unit

Part 3

Big Boss is seriously injured.Major Zero, fearful his legendary soldier will die, he uses somatic cell cloning and EVA as a surrogate mother to create a clone of Big Boss.Major Zero names this project "Les Enfants Terribles" a project designed to create the perfect soldier, using the genes of the "Greatest Warrior of the 20th Century" Big Boss.

EVA produced Twins Liquid Snake and Solid Snake.Both regarded as imperfect clones, so a third child was created "Solidus Snake".Solidus was regarded as the perfect clone of Big boss.To Prevent the clones falling into enemy hands and used against the patriots, each were given accelerated ageing.With it been estimated they would Die early 40's and if needed, new clones could be made.

Big Boss is outraged at what Major Zero has done.He also believes The patriots have corrupt the vision of The boss and he decides to leave The Patriots

Thursday 10 March 2016

Chronological Order 4 : Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker


  • Big Boss and his new group Militaires Sans Frontières are asked to save Costa Rica from foreign army

·      Big Boss found out  this army is building a Metal Gear named "Peace Walker".The Peace Walker was built as a Nuclear deterrent which be able to select suitable targets to counter nuclear attack, without the need for human to handle it.

·         The Peace Walker  is also fitted with The Boss AI built by Dr. Strangelove, The Boss AI was an AI based perfectly on The Boss.

Dr. Strangelove

·        A CIA agent named Hot Coldman, attempts to hack the Peace Walker,to get it to launch nuke on the base, Militaires Sans Frontières. Coldman is killed by the KGB, but he manages to reprogram the Peace Walker to fire on Cuba and sending false data to the U.S, that nuclear strike will be done by the Soviet Union, to America.
      Big Boss tries to solve the misunderstanding but unable to stop the Americans from attacking

·         The Boss AI, sacrifices it's self to kill the false signal and prevents the world from Nuclear war!

·         Big Boss uses his team and the Peace Walkers developers, to build his own Metal Gear but then stolen by an agent, sent by Major Zero
·        Major Zero intends to plan a ruse by using the Metal Gear, to launch Nukes at the U.S and frame Big Boss and his army for the launch.

·         Big Boss decides to create his own Military Nation. Free of the corruption of the worlds governments. He names this "Outer Heaven" He plans to use Outer Heaven to take revenge on Major Zero and his group ,The Evil Patriots