Friday 11 March 2016

Chronological Order 2 (Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater )


The Boss
  • In attempt to find and recover Sokolov, and destroy the Shagohod, Naked Snake was sent by FOX to Russia,    Naked Snake is aided via radio by the other members of FOX: Major Zero, Sigint and Para-Medic

Naked Snake
  • While being close to recover Sokolov, Naked Snake is stopped by his own mentor, The Boss. It looks like The Boss has defected to Russia, becoming a traitor to the U.S

·         The U.S send Naked Snake back in to Kill The Boss and retrieve the stolen weapon "The shagohod"to revoke the charges in regards to any and all involvement in The Boss's defection.

·         Naked Snake is assisted by Eva (Without knowing, she is a spy for Chinese People's Liberation Army, assigned to obtain the Philosophers Legacy)
·         During this mission Naked Snake has many encounters with Ocelot 
·         Naked Snake discovers Volgin has obtained "the philosophers legacy" a 100 Billion dollar savings account. Naked Snake Destroys the shagohod, Kills The Boss and Volgin and obtains half of the Legacy.

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