Friday 4 March 2016

Chronological Order 5 : Metal Gear Solid : Ground Zeroes

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is a sequel to the events of Peace Walker. Snake, well known as Big Boss, found out that Paz may be alive, and that she is being held at a secret facility in Cuba called Camp Omega. 

Snake go out to find her to get some information on Major Zero while being able extract her; but when they are safe on the helicopter, she informs him that she has been implanted with a bomb. Snake and company are able to just barely remove the bomb.THEY REALIZED THAT THEY WERE SET UP.

From a far, Mother Base is in flames (attacked by Cipher). Worse, Paz has a second bomb implanted in her. Ground Zeroes ends with the bomb exploding and grievously injuring Big Boss.

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